Hopefully this finds you well as we all work hard to navigate this unprecedented time. Many of you are working from home, have kids home, and are finding that you have more together time than you ever imagined! Hopefully you are finding this a time of reconnection and simply soaking in each other in a way you might never be able to again. This can even be a time of deep healing and growth in our relationship with God, within ourselves, within our marriages, and in our families.
However, maybe all these changes, all this together time, and all of the uncertainty out in the world is creating stress, anxiety, fear, or even hopelessness.
While there is no way to take away the uncertainty we can and should be doing certain basic things for our well being:
- Pray every day, worship online (participate in Mass, Adoration, etc.), fast, give
- Eat regular, nutritious, appropriately sized meals
- Exercise daily
- Sleep regularly (not too much or too little)
- Talk to each other
- Have some silence and solitude each day without a screen
- Take time for healthy leisure or hobbies
- Create specific times to work if you are working from home as much as possible
- Limit social media and news intake
- Remain connected with other people outside your home
If these basic but necessary tactics are not enough or you are struggling to do these things please consider reaching out to someone for some extra support or help. I am now offering secure online video counseling and telephone counseling.
The idea video or telephone counseling may seem intimidating or uncomfortable at first but after meeting a time or two most people find it quite comfortable. Online video and telephone counseling allows people who need help or support with the current stressors or preexisting stressors to access the same high quality assistance that I normally offer face to face in my office.
If you are struggling to find and maintain peace during this time please reach out by phone, email, or through my “Contact me” form, to set up a free 30 minute consultation to try out the online video or telephone format, and to see if I might be able to be of assistance for your particular needs and concerns.
Finally, I am including a link to a great list of resources courtesy of my friend Dr. Shannon Devlin.