Halloween is just a couple of days away. The stores are already poised with their Christmas decorations, at least the ones who have not had them up for weeks or months already. Besides too much candy, planning for company, thinking about food – fixing it or just eating it, many people are also worried about […]
Moms who worry too much
Happy belated Mother’s Day to the all the mamas out there! Thank you for all you do, for The Hand That Rocks the Cradle Rules the World (Wallace). The Hand that Rocks the Cradle Rules the World. This is a phrase that often comes to mind when I am teaching my students about attachment and […]
Finding peace and joy
I am writing today reflecting on the season. Thanksgiving was a couple of weeks ago, Advent began yesterday, and Christmas will be upon us shortly. This can be a beautiful and joy filled season for many. Memories of holidays past and anticipation of the Christmas to come bring happiness, nostalgia, and sentimental feelings. For others […]